General Radiology & Fluoroscopy FAQs

Answering Your Most Common Questions

Can I take my medication before a fasting study (IVP, UGI, etc)?

Yes. Patients can take their medicine with small sips of water.

How much radiation am I getting?

The radiation dose varies with the type of exam, but it is low. Every effort is made to limit the amount of radiation exposure a patient receives.

Is the exam going to hurt?

Usually exams do not hurt, although portions of certain exams are uncomfortable. For example, an IVP requires insertion of a needle into a vein.

Will I be allergic to the contrast?

A small percentage of patients will have an allergic reaction to iodinated contrast (which is used in IVPs). Patients should alert their doctors if they have had an allergic reaction to contrast in the past. If they have had a prior allergic reaction they may be given medication to prevent a repeat reaction. If a patient has an allergic reaction during the exam our radiologists are prepared to deal with these situations.

Will I be allergic to the barium?

No. Barium is inert and will pass harmlessly with bowel movements.

Will I be constipated from the barium?

It can cause constipation. We encourage increased fluid intake to prevent it.

When can I pick up the films?

Films can be picked up within 48 hours of your study. In certain instances your films can be picked up the day of your exam. Please notify our office 24 hours prior to the time you intend to pick up your films.